Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Scene Prompt: Your Sister...

scene prompt: in the kitchen

Start your improv scene or writing session with this prompt:

Your sister told me I'd find you here.

-- doug smith


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Think...and Be Creative

Think about the most creative moments of your life. What if you could have that whenever you want? 

You can.

-- doug smith

Friday, July 24, 2020

Scene Prompt: No need?

photo: doug smith

Start your improv scene (or your writing session) with this prompt:

There's no need to eat everything on the menu.

--- doug smith

Add More Imaginations

photo: doug smith

The only person needed to spark your creativity is you, but imagine the possibilities of adding more imaginations.

-- doug smith

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Creativity Is Up To You

quotes on creativity - image by doug smith

Whether or not you're creative is up to you.

-- doug smith