Saturday, March 30, 2024

Scene Prompt: Life and Emergency

A patient in the emergency room presents with the emergency that suddenly life is not real and if we're not all careful we will all melt away.


Other players catch the condition.


Friday, March 29, 2024

Scene Prompt: The Curious Mail Person

A curious mail deliverer asks detailed and endless questions of the receivers of the mail. 


Not only answer the questions, but take it to another level of "nobody needs to know" detail.

Reverse the flow and interrogate the mail person.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Scene Prompt: Surreal Carpenter

A carpenter, who firmly believes that "there are no absolutes" builds a house for someone who thinks that perhaps 12 inches IS a foot and a right angle IS 90 degrees and walls should hold up.


Levitating tools.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Scene Prompt: Difficult Server

Two people in a restaurant attempt to order their meals and run into difficulty with a server who refuses to acknowledge the existence of vegetables or water.


Other customers enter who each refuse to acknowledge the existence of something commonly believed to exist (like proteins, knives and forks, napkins, money.)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Scene Prompt: The Spot

 A cleaning person discovers a spot that won't come out, but is determined to prevail.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Scene Prompt: Unexpected Twins


are dali and stone twins?

Have you ever found someone who looks enough like you to be your twin? How would it make you feel?

In this scene prompt, all of the people at a party slowing realize that they have a twin at the party. As implausible as they know it is, they come to realize that everyone at the party has at least one twin.

...and scene!

Scene Prompt: Distressed Driver

The driver of a bus stops the bus and refuses to continue because "life doesn't mean anything anymore." The passengers must decide what to do.


No escape. Inexplicably all the exit doors are also locked.


Sunday, March 24, 2024

Scene Prompt: Life Boat

The life boat can handle one more passenger. Four people are left on a sinking ship and are now faced with dealing with deciding who will be the last person on the lifeboat.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Scene Prompt: Alien Question

An alien has just arrived at your office and asks you to explain God.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Scene Prompt: What's Wrong With This Picture?


What's Wrong With This Picture?

Two workers install a box. A third person objects to the way that it is being installed. They cannot agree on the purpose of the box or the way it is being configured.


The box begins making noise.

The box begins smoking.

The box begins ticking.

Animal sounds emanate from the box.